We are a luxury event service in Halifax, Nova Scotia. From fully decorated and coordinated parties, to balloon garlands and backdrops. We specialize in bachelorettes, birthday parties and themed events.
How long in advance should I book?
Balloon garlands and installations take time to create. The sooner you are able to book, the better! CALLED TO PARTY strongly suggests booking at least two weeks in advance to ensure there is availability and that we have proper materials to execute your vision to the fullest. If you haven't already, start by filling out our custom inquiry form here:
What regions do you serve?
CALLED TO PARTY! is based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. We service the best parties and balloon deliveries in surrounding areas including: Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville, Downtown, and most areas in the HRM.
How much do balloons cost?
Our balloon decor pricing varies based on the type of design, complexity, length, volume, and delivery & installation costs. All of our garlands are priced per foot so having measurements of the space where you would like your balloons to go will help give you a general idea of cost.  Find our full price list here: 
Installed garlands start at $18.00 per FT
GRAB-N-GO's are $16.00 per FT
What do your prices for parties start at?

For planning, our packages start at $500.00. Balloon installations start from $200.00 and up. 

How long do balloons last?

It depends on the size and environment which they are in. For helium, kept indoors at room temperature, standard 11" latex balloons last 8-12 hours. Confetti balloons last 4-8 hours. Giant 3ft latex balloons and mylar balloons can float for 2-5 days! Balloons kept outdoors will have shorter float times. Balloon garlands which are air filled, last much longer, and can last a month or more (no guarantees) in ideal conditions. We offer garland touch ups at an additional cost. 


How do I prevent my balloons from popping?
Avoid any direct sunlight and heat if possible. Your balloons will always last longer if kept indoors. Avoid any sharp objects that could pop your 
How do I properly dispose of my balloons after my event?
Help us protect the environment and wildlife. Never release balloons into the air. Lost balloons eventually find their way into forests or bodies of water, endangering animal life. Mylar balloons can also cause damage to power lines. Your safest bet is to throw your latex balloons away in the trash, where they will eventually decompose. 
How do I store my reusable air-filled balloons?
Store them in a large box or container and keep them in a cool and dry place. Avoid any areas in heat or sunlight. When they start to deflate overtime, simply grab a straw or your balloon pump and blow air back into them!
Do you have a physical store location?
We have a studio located at 5786 North Street in Halifax, NS. We don’t have regular store hours however you can book an appointment to stop by!